Hi everybody. As I near the end of my second trimester, my mind is rushing with all kinds of thoughts. I have crazy dreams, have crazy cravings ( not really craving strange kinds of food but just craving something very specific like peanut butter or a really big glass of milk), and crazy bits of sleepiness. So what if I am in bed by 9pm. I better enjoy it while I can, right?
Ron and I spent the weekend in Wilmington & Holden Beach. While he was stuck in a silly lawyer class I got to soak up the beach sun and I loved every minute of it. No real schedules... just taking things as they come. And like every vacation, one of the best aspects is the food! Ron spoiled me by taking me to a little fondue restaruant in Wilmington called The Little Dipper. Baby enjoyed every bite.
Now, it is back to work but now with an "end" in sight. As long as everything with the pregnancy goes well.. my plan is to start my maternity leave on July 27th. As long as our little guy is healthy and happy, I want him to stay in his little nest for as long as he wants to. Check back with me in 12 weeks to see if I still feel this way.
I haven't had many "picture-taking" occasions lately, but here is one that Ron snapped of me as I was busy being fabulous at the beach.
I want to give a big shout out to my Mother-in-Law, Mary Ann, and my mother, Luanne, for taking me maternity clothes shopping two weeks ago! After a delicious lunch, I tried on every piece of clothing in the store. Ladies, I love you both so much! My closet thanks you:)
So, about Carter... nothing new to report... he is busy being a active little guy.. kicking and growing like crazy! At 26 weeks, he suppossedly looks like this:
'till next time!!